Tuesday, January 29, 2008

My birthday went well.
My tattoo didn't hurt. :] So that's good.
And I love my tat. It looks good...and Josh's looks amazing. I can't wait to post the pictures, as soon as my friend sends them to me. So stay tuned.

no art as of now.
I'm doing okay in my class, though we haven't really done anything yet.
Umm.....I'm going through a phase where I hate my art. :l So that's why there's nothing to post. Sorry.

Sunday, January 20, 2008

I can't believe how awful Nathan makes me feel.

And he always manages to make ME look like the jackass. >:l

Tuesday, January 15, 2008


I found this new journal site.
Its called Insanejournal.
Its like livejournal, but less sucky. You can upload 100 icons. :]

You should all get one. And add me.
There's the link. :]
Update, yo.

I have four pieces of art for you. <3

I'm not fancy with little pictures though, I'm still old-fashioned with links. :D


That's Anita Blake and Jean-Claude under the mistletoe. :]
It was drawn for Russ, my Canadian buddy.
Um, it's not finished yet. Obviously.

I posted this on DA, too. :]

Ringo in bra and undies. :] I have a bra similar to that. <33

Tegan, an old character that I'm un-anthroifying...so that I can put her in a comic I'm plotting. :]

Well, that's pretty much it for now.

My college art class starts a week from tomorrow. o___o; I'm really nervous.

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Welcome me!

I just made my blogspot. :]

I mainly made this because other people are using it. And what can I say, I'm an internet trend-follower.

I miss all my internet friends. We hardly talk anymore. And it makes me sad.
So all of you - start talking to me!! D:

Hopefully, soon I'll post some art. :]